Issue 1
subscription-manager register --org="MyKey" --activationkey="Key-MyKey" only activates rhel-6-server-rpms the content view associated to the activation key contains many repos however in the activation key under product content I can't add anything. it says: No repository content provided through subscriptions. the two following commands show and enables other repos that I think should have been automatically added by the activation key. subscription-manager repos subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-satellite-tools-6.1-rpmsIssue 2
applying a patch from satellite with satellite admin user while a user is logged on the server being patched will show yum history as if the server was patched by the logged in user and not the satellite admin user.Issue 3
Why do hypervisors have an environment and a content view assigned to them? - Create empty content view "Null For Hypervisors" promote to library then to Null for hypervisors - Create envirtonment "Null For Hypervisors"