time is syncronized , satellite and client are on same time?
if there are no dns first add the entries in /etc/hosts on both the satellite and the client
Unregister from old subcription
with classic
yum repolist
yum-config-manager --disable # was getting errors. but system was cloned and 2 systems had same id.
rm /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid
is the server still in the old satellite? delete system
with subscription manager
subscription-manager unregister
? is the server still in the old satellite?
Remove any rpms from old satellite client
yum remove `rpm -qa | egrep "osad|rhncfg|rhncfg-actions|rhncfg-client|rhn-org-trusted"`
Enable subscription manager
enable must be set to 1 in the following two files:
Service rhsmcertd must be enabled and running
chkconfig rhsmcertd on
service rhsmcertd status
service rhsmcertd start
Add the host on the satellite web interface
# if this is not done before than things will fail like running openscap..
{ Hosts } -> All Hosts [ New Host ]
Install the certificate from the new satellite
wget --no-check-certificate
rpm -Uvh katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm
Subscribe to new satellite with subscription-manager
??vi /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date
??vim /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf and fix the extra s in repo_ca_cert = %(ca_cert_dir)skatello-server-ca.pem
subscription-manager clean
subscription-manager register --org="MyOrg" --activationkey="Key-MyKey"
at this point the server will show on the satellite under { Hosts } -> Content Hosts
Other options
subscription-manager register --org="MyOrg" --activationkey="Key-MyKey" --auto-attach
subscription-manager register --baseurl= --org="MyOrg" --activationkey="Key-MyKey"
Verify subscription
subscription-manager status
# should return Overall Status: Current
subscription-manager list
# should return a list of product registered to
subscription-manager list --consumed | grep "Status Details"
# this will tell us if virt-who as reported the system to satellite yet ( usually runs hourly )
It should say "Subscription is current"
Verify repos
yum repolist
# got error: rhn-plugin: ERROR: can not find RHNS CA file: /usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT
vi /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date
and change:
sslCACert=/usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT to sslCACert=/usr/share/rhn/RHNS-CA-CERT
and serverURL to
? is the server showing up somewhere in the new satellite?
yum repolist , only rhel-6-server-rpms is enable
subscriptbion-manager repos # are available.
Verify that satellite-tools is enabled (should be provided with the key ):
yum repolist enabled | grep -i satellite-tools
subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-satellite-tools-6.1-rpms
Intall the Katello Agent ( for errata management )
yum install katello-agent
Now the installable errata's should show under { Hosts } -> Content Hosts.
At this point it will not be in { hosts } -> All Hosts , this comes when the puppet client is configured.
Install the puppet agent
yum install puppet
chkconfig puppet on
Configure the puppet agent
vim /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
In the agent section add the following lines:
pluginsync = true
report = true
ignoreschedules = true
daemon = false
ca_server =
server =
environment = KT_MyCorp_Project_Dev_Base_for_RHEL_6_2
#runinterval = # defaults to 30 min , whats the format?
#note: the environments can be found on the satellite server under { Configure } -> Environments
why is it RHEL_6_2?
run a puppet agent test
puppet agent -t
on the satelitte server
{ Infrastructure } -> Capsules click on Certificates
locate our new server in the Certficate list and click on sign.
run a puppet agent test again
puppet agent -t
expect warnings and errors
At this point the sever will be under { Hosts } -> All Hosts but the Context must be set to Any Organization and Any Location.
It will not show under the MyCorp @ MyLocation ( Organization ) and ( Location ) context.
Note: The context is the left most in the top menu of the satellite interface.
from here on the line with our new server click [ Edit ] and assign the proper
- Organization ( already selected and greyed out )
- Location ( already selected and greyed out )
- Lifecycle Environment
- Content View
- Puppet environment
- Content source.
note: Organization and location is already set so why is it not under the respective context then?
run a puppet agent test again on the new system
puppet agent -t
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Caching catalog for
Info: Applying configuration version '1006165659'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.04 seconds
now the warnings and errors should be gone:
still only showing under Any Organization @ Any Location context
Replace certs on an agent
stop the puppet agent service.
locate puppets ssl directory and delete everything in it.
cd /var/lip/puppet/ssl
re-start the puppet agent service
Fix mapping between "foreman Host" and "content hosts"
loggon the satellite as root
Get the host id: hammer host list
Get the content host id (uuid): hammer content-host list --organization-id 1
# substitue the following command with the results from the previous 2 steps
# foreman-rake console
irb(main):001:0> Katello::System.update_all 'host_id = ', "uuid=''"