Home Linux Central_Management Satellite_6

Set location for organization
{ Administer } -> Organizations  , click on MyOrg

Under locations add Montreal and click  submit

Assign a default location and organization for new puppet hosts
{ Administer } -> Settings -> Puppet 

default_location  Montreal
default_organization  MyOrg

Fix organization and locations no need if defaults were set in puppet configs.
set context to Any Context ( Any organization , Any location )  

Navigate to { Hosts } -> All Hosts 

select the [*] checkbox next to the server  [ Select Action ]  -> Assign Organization   # The [Select Action] only appears once a host is selected [*]

  Choose MyOrg  and select ( Fix Organization on Mismatch )  then  [ Submit ]

select the server [ Select Action ] -> Assign Location  
  Choose Montreal and select ( Fix Location on Mismatch )  then [ Submit ] 

Add Release versions to the activation keys
{ Content } -> Activation Keys

Add the location to the installation media
{ Hosts } -> Installation Media